Greek Leader Calls for Vote of Confidence After Minister Quits Over Macedonia Deal January 13, 2019 Alexis European Union Geographical Greece International Relations IFTTT Legislatures and Parliaments Macedonia Names NYT Politics and Government Tsipras +
Greek Leader Calls for Vote of Confidence After Minister Quits Over Macedonia Deal January 13, 2019 Alexis Europe Geographical Greece International Relations IFTTT Legislatures and Parliaments Macedonia Names NYT Politics and Government Tsipras +
Greek Leader to Meet With Trump, and 2 More Banks Report Earnings October 15, 2017 Alexis Banking and Financial Institutions Donald J IFTTT Economic Conditions and Trends Europe European Sovereign Debt Crisis (2010- ) Greece NYT Trump Tsipras United States Economy +
Greece’s Open Wound of Division June 16, 2017 Alexis European Union Greece IFTTT Lucas NYT Papademos Politics and Government Tsipras +