Manhattan Gallery’s Squeaky Floor Draws the Wrath of Rodent Lovers October 29, 2017 Animals Art Europe Lower East Side (Manhattan NY) IFTTT NYT +
Fire May Be the Only Remedy for a Plague Killing Deer and Elk June 26, 2017 Animals Arkansas IFTTT Chronic Wasting Disease Colorado Colorado State University Deer Elk Europe Fires and Firefighters Forests and Forestry National Park Service NYT +
The Mystery of the Wasting House-Cats May 16, 2017 Animals Cats Europe Hazardous and Toxic Substances NYT Thyroid Cancer Tumors IFTTT +
What Animals Taught Me About Being Human May 16, 2017 Animals Europe Hawks (Birds) NYT Philosophy IFTTT +
The Mystery of the Wasting House-Cats May 16, 2017 Animals Cats European Union Hazardous and Toxic Substances NYT Thyroid Cancer Tumors IFTTT +