The Bride Was a Dream in a Dirndl, but Putin Stole the Show August 18, 2018 Austria IFTTT Diplomatic Service Embassies and Consulates European Union Freedom Party of Austria NYT Weddings and Engagements +
Trump Opts Not to Move Embassy to Jerusalem, at Least for Now June 01, 2017 Benjamin IFTTT Diplomatic Service Donald J Embassies and Consulates Europe Jerusalem (Israel) Netanyahu NYT Tel Aviv (Israel) Trump United States International Relations +
Britain and the E.U. Are Breaking Up, but They’re Still Partying Together May 13, 2017 Diplomatic Service Embassies and Consulates European Union Great Britain Great Britain Withdrawal from EU (Brexit) IFTTT NYT Washington (DC) +
Malcolm Toon Made Waves as a Diplomat, but His Death Went Largely Unreported May 01, 2017 Cold War Era Deaths (Obituaries) Diplomatic Service Embassies and Consulates Europe NYT State Department IFTTT United States International Relations +