Universal Health Care Might Cost You Less Than You Think April 29, 2019 Europe Federal Taxes (US) Health Insurance and Managed Care IFTTT Income Tax NYT +
Finding Open-Minded Health Care Abroad January 16, 2019 Discrimination Europe Health Insurance and Managed Care Homosexuality and Bisexuality IFTTT NYT Travel and Vacations +
What a French Doctor’s Office Taught Me About Health Care January 02, 2019 Europe France IFTTT Great Britain Health Insurance and Managed Care NYT +
Why It’s So Hard to Reform Canadian Health Care March 23, 2018 Canada Europe Health Insurance and Managed Care NYT United States IFTTT United States Politics and Government +
Fact Check: Trump’s Criticism of U.K.’s National Health Service February 05, 2018 Donald J European Union Great Britain Health Insurance and Managed Care NYT Trump United States Politics and Government IFTTT +
The Reality of a Pre-Existing Condition May 04, 2017 Donald J IFTTT Europe Health Insurance and Managed Care House of Representatives NYT Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) Paul D Jr Ryan Trump +