It Doesn’t Matter Who Replaces Merkel. Germany Is Broken. December 07, 2018 Angela Christian Democratic Union (Germany) European Union European Union IFTTT Germany Income Inequality Labor and Jobs Merkel NYT +
It Doesn’t Matter Who Replaces Merkel. Germany Is Broken. December 07, 2018 Angela Christian Democratic Union (Germany) Europe European Union IFTTT Germany Income Inequality Labor and Jobs Merkel NYT +
The Biggest, Richest Cities Won Amazon, and Everything Else. What Now for the Rest? November 19, 2018 Europe Income Inequality Infrastructure (Public Works) Labor and Jobs IFTTT NYT United States Economy Urban Areas +
The Trump Legions November 01, 2018 Donald J IFTTT European Union Immigration and Emigration Income Inequality NYT Presidential Election of 2016 Race and Ethnicity Trump United States Politics and Government Voting and Voters +
What’s Wrong With Germany’s Social Democrats? October 26, 2018 Angela Christian Democratic Union (Germany) Europe Germany IFTTT Income Inequality Merkel NYT Social Democratic Party (Germany) +
Getting Better All the Time? March 02, 2018 Books and Literature Europe Global Warming IFTTT Income Inequality NYT +
Middle Class Contracted in U.S. Over 2 Decades, Study Finds April 24, 2017 Europe Income Inequality NYT Pew Research Center IFTTT Polls and Public Opinion United States Western Europe +