
European Nuclear Weapons Program Would Be Legal, German Review Finds

How the Saudi-Qatar Rivalry, Now Combusting, Reshaped the Middle East

A Look Back at Reagan’s Berlin Wall Speech, 30 Years Later

Canada Will Pursue a More Robust Global Role, Minister Says

Australian Politics Is Open to Foreign Cash, and China Has Much to Gain

After Initial Jolt Over Qatar Tensions, Energy Markets Settle

Trump Targets German Trade, and the South Grimaces

Trump Targets German Trade, and the South Grimaces

China Sees an Opening in Rift Between Trump and Germany

China Sees an Opening in Rift Between Trump and Germany

China Sees an Opening in Rift Between Trump and Germany

Macron Quickly Assumes a Presidential Attitude

With Italy No Longer in U.S. Focus, Russia Swoops to Fill the Void

With Italy No Longer in U.S. Focus, Russia Swoops to Fill the Void

The Latest: Trump’s Meeting With Pope Prompts Lockdown in Rome

Why Catalonia Should Stay With Spain

Hosting Palestinian Leader, Trump Promises Middle East Peace

Indonesia Seeks to Globalize Its Tolerant Brand of Islam

Land Mine Kills American on Monitoring Mission in Ukraine